Tried and Tested

Plants in general, have become very expensive in South Africa. In some instances, this is understandable particularly with regard to bulbs that take so many years to reach maturity and new cultivars which require huge investments in time and resources. But there are so many fabulous, affordable species and cultivars suitable for both winter and summer rainfall gardens.

As a specialist bulb grower, we are on a mission to encourage South Africans to incorporate more bulbous plants into their garden beds, rockeries and on their patios.  These are bulbs that we regard as tried and tested, that perform well year in and year out, many are very low maintenance and waterwise. They grow fast, many forming nice clumps in a short time.

It is important to remember that, naturally smaller bulbs that have a dainty more compact growth habit, should ideally be planted in groups of 5, 10 or 20 bulbs and not as single bulbs, in order for them to have the desired effect. These include Drimiopsis & many of the Ledebourias.  The same can be said for corms like Watsonias, Crocosmias, Chasmanthe, Gladiolus & Oxalis where groupings of at least 3, 5 or 10 bulbs is necessary. In time, you will have lovely large clumps. You can plant crinums, Hippeastrums, Cannas, Hymenocallis, Amarine, Scilla, Sprekelia for example, as single bulbs whether that be in a container or in a special spot.  Agapanthus, Eucomis, Dieramas, Albuca nelsonii, Zantedeschia, Dianella,

Habranthus, Zephyranthes, dainty Nerines, dainty Cyrtanthus, dainty winter growing Iridaceae should be planted in groupings of at least 3.

Best Bulb Buys are now available, simply request our South African Price List for these from have incorporated Exotics into our Indigenous South African Mail Order Price List to create a mega price list.